
Hi guys! My name is Shane and I’m your friendly neighborhood fun loving guy but you guys already know that or will know soon, I like joking around and having fun in class. what’s life without whimsy right?


My interests include playing video games, working out and watching shows, my favorite game currently is Hearthstone because it’s a phone game and it makes gaming easier so if anyone likes to play hearthstone you can hit me up. It’s an interesting card game that requires players to think and strategize to win the game.I enjoy this particular game because it works the mind and it is a refreshing change from all the other action packed game. Working out is also something i find enjoyable as it relaxes me, exercise is a good way to clear the mind and at the same time keep fit so all the more reason to do it!

For the introduction, I’ll start with some basic information, I’m 25 this year, I came from RP with a diploma in game design. Now people often wonder why the sudden and drastic change of course, well it’s because I’ve always been interested in psychology and so I decided to give it a try. I’ve always thought of the human mind as something very interesting, why some people do the things they do? Why people get addicted to social media? So many questions and I figured what better way to get answers then to study how our minds work. I’ve also wanted to help people for quite some time now, by means of counseling. The skies won’t always be blue and that goes for humans as well, there will come a time where people feel weak,tired or just need someone to talk to and I wish I can help them look ahead and find a reason to carry on  and thus the decision to enroll in UOW and study psychology.


Image result for media psychology

Media Psychology 

So what is Media Psychology? A simple answer would be the study of the effects of media on people. How people interact with media and with other people using said media. In this current day and age, media and especially social media has already become such an important part of our lives that we can no longer do without it, be it a daily dose of Facebook, Tweets, Instagram and so on. So how does Media Psychology affect any potential future endeavors? The first thing that came to my mind is addiction, being addicted to social media. It is very common to see not just teenagers but people from all age group being affected by social media, some bordering on addiction while others just view it as a source of entertainment. Media affects us all whether we realize it or not and some more than others, which brings me to my point. Psychology is the study of the human mind and now with the influence of media related products emerging daily, people are exposed to a barrage of such products everyday and we who study psychology should understand how it affects people. Be it a Psychologist studying the impact of media or a counselor trying to help a patient with social media addiction. The field of media is actually closely linked to psychology itself and also how we perceive the world.

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